Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sage,Puttins (Puts) Natasha

Puttins Sage April 1991-July 24th,2008
Puts was born in northern California in the spring of 1991.Her original owner,Kevin Scherer,moved to Memphis and Puts was part of his cross country road trip.She reportedly drooled the whole trip-she tended to drool when she was nervous.In 1995 she became an outside cat,due to the birth of the Scherers first child and their concern about cat allergies.Kevin was my boss and asked if i wanted another cat.I had been considering adopting another because I felt my 2 year old tabby,Sadie Strange was lonely and needy.The first time I saw Puts I was stuck by her beauty and brooding and sensitive demeanor.I knew she was special.Puts was with me thru several moves in Memphis,and to Kansas City.She was responsible for the car seats in my Mazda being mismatched due to my foolish decision to let her "stretch her legs" at a rest stop.She survived a burglary in KC,where she hid in the basement until I returned home.She was right by my side during several unsuccessful relationships,job changes,and the death of my father and beloved grandmother.She smelled like grey dust.3 years ago she was diagnosed with renal disease and declined slowly but remained very excited about her food and spending time with her human mother.I always felt honored when she appeared on my bed.She was my soulmate cat and her passing has left a hole in my heart.Her sisters,Sadie Strange and L'Baby are also grieving this loss.Her final resting place will be in Ecru,Mississippi next to the grave of her great human grandmother,Ona Marie Sage.


tacogirl said...


Anonymous said...

oh my goodness I'm so sad to read your news... And puts left us on my birthday, no less. I will take that to heart.

Erk said...

Much love to you, Sadie Strange, and L'Baby, and-- of course- to Puttins, where ever she may be now.

Big Hugs from Scorpion Country said...

Your love for her was a gift for you both....
Big HUgs from KC!


sealaura said...

I was so touched to read your post. So sorry about your kitty. I know what you mean, my cat Obi( who looks a bit like your Puts) has been with me through so many good & hard times, moves, etc. At the risk of sounding like a spinster, my pets are truly my family so I sympathize with your loss.